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3E Panels is a new, patented building system, using hybrid fibre reinforced polymer (FRP)-timber thin-walled panels. The system integrates traditional building developments with the environmental demands of modern clients resulting in much flexible, economical, and environmentally responsible outcomes.

3E Panels are high performing, highly efficient, lightweight, easy to install, economical, and CO2 negative. It can be prefabricated with easy-to-access materials worldwide and is suitable for cost-effective and fast on-site assembly.

3E Panels system was developed by world-leading scientists/engineers from the University of Queensland and University of London, with exclusive know-how of the technology.


Extremely competitive manufacturing and construction costs

Environmentally Responsible

Light-weight green material with CO2 negative effect

Easy Installation

Off-site manufacturing and fast and easy on-site installation

[action full_width=”yes” content_in_grid=”yes” type=”normal” text_font_weight=”” show_button=”yes” button_size=”large” background_color=”#f8f8f8″ button_text=”VIEW MORE” button_link=”#” button_background_color=”#8c6e49″ button_hover_border_color=”#303030″ button_border_color=”#8c6e49″ text_size=”16″ button_hover_background_color=”#303030″]We work closely with you and carry out research to understand your needs and wishes.[/action]